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Pass Wide and Slow


Updated: Apr 17, 2024

A few weeks ago our family joined the Pass Wide and Slow campaign, to educate speedy and disrespectful road users to be aware of and be more considerate to the slower and smaller users. To help prevent serious accidents and potential death, to either or animal and human. We went on foot, on our horses, pony's and a motor cycle.

From older members to the youngest 7 years old. We had a good turn out at a family small holding, Ride 43, near Cornhill, North East Scotland. Thank you to all the people that helped on the day and for the days leading up to it.

We played a very small part in this but hope it has helped.

cars slow down
pass wide and slow

pass wide and slow
cheeky wee faces

pass wide and slow
a gathering

pass wide and slow
smiles all round

pass wide and slow
wonderful memories

pass wide and slow
in the need for speed

pass wide and slow
having a ball

pass wide and slow
in the lead

We should also remember to be thank full to the other road users, the ones that are considerate to us smaller road users. see here for further details.

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