Unfortunately the few spoil it for the majority:
Once you have paid for your holiday you are agreeing to our terms and conditions.
The Cabins must be left in a reasonable state.
Please remember this is someone else's property.
If you are staying for a long period of time and you require more towels, or a change of tea towel please ask, we would be glad to help.
If you break something, we would rather know, so it can be replaced. Accidents happen.
No playing of golf, it has taken us a long time to get the grass as nice as it is and we would like it to stay that way.
No logs to be burnt in the BBQs, this is a serious fire hazard, sparks may start a fire the Cabins are made of wood. Charcoal only.
No smoking near the cabins, a tin bucket with a lid has been provided for ash and cigarette ends.
Electricity: Water heaters, lights and Towel rails do not need to be on all the time, so to save energy please turn them off when not needed THANK YOU
Recycle bins and rubbish bins are provided near the exit to the cabins, please uses them and not let the rubbish pile up in the cabins.
Please do not take any of the inside items outside, they spoil in the weather, especially the wood.
Dog Poo: although we ask for you to put it in a bag, we would also ask you to put the full bag in the dog poo bin provided, throwing it in the field or hiding it behind a tree is not ok. We will have to put camera's out, if this continues.
If you would like the fire pit lit, please ask. we have separate wood for this. The small logs in the log shed are for the internal burners only and have to be cut to size.
If you would like to use the big vacuum cleaner please ask.
Sorry NO TRADES WORKERS, we are sorry for this but some workers have spoilt this for the rest, leaving the Cabins in such a state it takes me hours to clean them up) as this has happened many time we have decided not to take in any more) I will hasten to add that some of the worker have left the place as they found it)

Dog Poo: please pick it up, even on your country walks and down out tracks. We are not the only ones who use the walk ways.
Dogs on Leads: Keep your dog on a lead at all times, while out and about, it is the law of the countryside. For your dogs safety and that of other animals and children. Even if you think your dog is safe and nice and used to children and other animals, just do not take the risk.
Smoking: Strictly no smoking in or around the Cabins. We do not mind Vaping outside or to smoke. But please take your tabby ends home or put them in a bin as we do not like to find them around the site, or while outside walking. We like our countryside beautiful and to keep it that way. We do understand that some people are responsible smokers stubbing out into an old can or bottle.